We are the Specialists in Transportation and Supply Chain Recruitment

Japan Market Specialists

About Us

We are one of the only dedicated Transport and Supply Chain recruitment specialists in Japan. We are Transport people ourselves, with over 20 years experience leading overseas Logistics companies in Japan.

What makes us different is our focus. Whilst most recruiting firms do not prioritise Transport and Logistics recruitment in Japan, for us it is our core business and Japan is our core market. It’s not easy, but we love it !

We are humble people, and we value long term partnerships with a small number of clients and candidates that is built on trust and mutual support.

We are also passionate about raising the quality of transport and supply chain recruitment in Japan, and we have a powerful network and rich industry experience to draw on.

In Japan where recruiting top transport talent is far from easy, we have a strong blend of capabilities which we believe leads to much better recruitment outcomes.

Top Transport Talent believes that upskilling is essential for executives to access higher level positions and to nurture a true passion for the industry.

We partner with top employers and world-renowned institutions to help fill the current and future skills gap.

We can help candidates and employers to review what courses may be right for you and choose from a range of world class training options.

We aim to help our Transport, Logistics and Supply Chain ecosystem to evolve to meet current and future challenges.

This service is offered free of charge and offered as part of a lifetime career support package to Transport, Logistics and Supply Chain executives.