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Searching for a job is stressful and emotionally taxing.

Here are some strategies, developed by our team at TTT that can help you optimise both your time and mental health during your job search.

Your 5 Winning Strategies

Your Career Strategy * Your Messaging * Your Search * Your Interview * Your Resilience


Your Career Strategy * Your Messaging * Your Search * Your Interview * Your Resilience 〰️

1. Develop an overall career strategy

Look at your career as a whole and develop your own mission statement and values.

Assess where you are with your career journey and where do you want to be next.

Don’t just think about your next step, but also your next next step.

Consider where you want to live, what working style suites you, what are your family priorities and when you want to retire.

Listing down what sort of company you might want to work for, and which you would definitely not want to work for will give you clarity and focus.

‘A’ grade candidates have an overall career plan (or several plans) and employers want to know how the job they are seeking to fill, fits into your big picture career plan.

2. Develop your message

Build up a simple message that answers the question:

“What am I good at and what can I do that is better than others?”

For example, if you are a good Key Account Manager in the Logistics industry - then you might be good at understanding your customer’s needs, at anticipating their problems and finding long term solutions that can either help your customer to save money or increase their sales through improved supply chain efficiency.

Or you may be excellent at championing your customers’ requirements internally within your company which builds long term trust and maximises long term revenue.

Both are excellent traits for a Key Account Manager, but you should be able to back this statement up with numbers and present the evidence as you go through your resume. This applies to any position.

Pick 2-3 work stories as evidence that reinforces your core message.

3. Job search & network activation

Don’t just send resumes through online job boards and don’t just rely on recruiters.

We hear from many candidates who never get feedback after applying for a job online, it seems that their resume and cover letter falls into a black hole.

Instead, we recommend that you create a list 10-15 companies that you admire and would want to work for.

Go into Linked-In and find people from that company in your area.

Try to connect with hiring managers and set up a call for an informal discussion. You could say that you are currently studying a particular area of Supply chain management and would like to ask their advice.

Be bold, respectful and resilient. It could be that out of 10 people that you approach, 5 will not reply, 3 may say ‘no’ or refer you to someone else in their network, but 2 will agree to meet. This is your resilience paying off.

Think of 5-6 good questions to ask them. You don’t want to ask for a job from these contacts but use them to build up your network. Try to find out what skills are in demand, which headhunters are good, and things you should be reading. Ask them who you should be talking to.

4. The Interview

In its purest sense, there are only 2 kinds of jobs:-

Those that make money

Those that save money

Although most Supply Chain roles do both, so be ready to frame your achievements in this way.

Your state of mind going into the interview is also extremely important.

Find a positive state of mind to be in. Imagine yourself in the job and put yourself in the mindset of someone in the role.

Putting yourself in the right state of mind, with enthusiasm and passion for the role, will significantly enhance your performance in an interview by improving confidence, communication, rapport-building, authenticity, resilience, and adaptability.

There are advanced NLP techniques that you can learn to enhance your communication skills, please feel free to contact us for more details.

Interview Preparation:

Preparing for a senior-level interview in the logistics industry involves thorough preparation, understanding the industry, and presenting yourself as a capable leader. Here are some steps to help you prepare effectively:

Research the Company

  • Company Overview: Understand the company's history, mission, values, and culture. Familiarize yourself with their services, major clients, and geographic reach.

  • Financial Performance: Review the company’s recent financial reports, annual reports, and any news about their financial performance. Knowing the company’s financial health can provide insights into their strategic priorities.

  • Recent News and Developments: Stay updated on the latest news about the company, including recent mergers, acquisitions, leadership changes, and significant projects or contracts.

Understand the Industry

  • Market Trends: Be aware of current trends in the logistics industry, such as advancements in technology (e.g., AI, IoT), sustainability practices, and changes in global trade policies.

  • Competitors: Know the company’s main competitors and their market position. Understanding the competitive landscape can help you discuss strategies for maintaining or gaining market share.

  • Challenges and Opportunities: Be prepared to discuss the key challenges facing the logistics industry, such as supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and regulatory changes, as well as opportunities for growth.

Review Your Experience and Achievements

  • Leadership Experience: Highlight your leadership experience, including managing teams, driving strategic initiatives, and leading projects to successful completion.

  • Relevant Skills: Emphasize skills that are critical for the role, such as supply chain management, logistics optimization, strategic planning, and stakeholder management.

  • Quantifiable Results: Prepare examples of your past achievements with quantifiable results, such as cost savings, efficiency improvements, revenue growth, or successful implementations of new technologies.

Prepare for Common Senior-Level Interview Questions

  • Behavioral Questions: Prepare for behavioral questions using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method. Common questions might include discussing a time when you led a major project, resolved a significant issue, or made a strategic decision.

  • Situational Questions: Be ready to answer situational questions that assess how you would handle specific challenges or opportunities relevant to the logistics industry.

  • Leadership and Strategy: Expect questions about your leadership style, strategic vision, and how you align your team with organizational goals.

Develop Thoughtful Questions for the Interviewer

  • Strategic Priorities: Ask about the company’s strategic priorities and how the role you’re interviewing for supports these goals.

  • Company Culture: Inquire about the company culture, leadership style, and team dynamics.

  • Future Growth: Ask about the company’s plans for future growth and how they are addressing current industry challenges.

Practice Your Presentation Skills

  • Executive Presence: Work on your executive presence, including how you articulate your thoughts, your body language, and your ability to convey confidence and authority.

  • Mock Interviews: Conduct mock interviews with a trusted colleague or mentor to practice your responses and receive feedback.

Prepare for Technical and Industry-Specific Topics

  • Logistics Technology: Be knowledgeable about the latest technologies in logistics, such as warehouse management systems, transportation management systems, and automation.

  • Supply Chain Management: Understand key concepts in supply chain management, including inventory management, procurement, and distribution strategies.

Demonstrate Cultural Fit and Adaptability

  • Company Values: Align your responses with the company’s values and culture. Demonstrate how your personal values and work style align with the company’s mission.

  • Adaptability: Highlight your ability to adapt to changing environments and lead through periods of transformation and uncertainty.

The more senior you are, the longer the gaps can be between senior roles.

This is common, and if you are in this situation, you are not alone.

Building resilience while searching for a new position involves a combination of mental, emotional, and practical strategies. You will get rejections - sometimes for roles where you felt you were the perfect candidate. This should not defeat you, and you need to keep bouncing back.

As you cannot control all outcomes, you should be ready to ‘surf the waves’ and preserve your mental health. Here are some tips we believe can help you.

Adopt a Growth Mindset

  • Embrace Challenges: View the job search as an opportunity to grow and learn rather than a series of obstacles. Each application and interview is a chance to refine your approach.

  • Learn from Feedback: Actively seek and learn from feedback, both positive and negative. Use it to improve your resume, cover letters, and interview techniques. At TTT we will always give you feedback following an interview and we will signpost positive points and areas to improve for next time.

Develop Strong Coping Mechanisms

  • Healthy Lifestyle: Use the chance to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Physical health greatly influences mental resilience. Meditation and other mindfulness techniques may also help, but we strongly recommend that you take regular exercise to reduce your blood pressure, reduce your blood sugar and maintain a healthy mental perspective.

Set Realistic Goals and Stay Organized

  • Daily and Weekly Goals: Set achievable daily and weekly goals for your job search activities. Breaking the process into manageable tasks makes it feel like you are making progress.

  • Tracking Progress: Keep a detailed log of your applications, follow-ups, and networking activities. This helps you stay organized and see the progress you’re making.

Build and Leverage Your Network

  • Professional Connections: Engage with your professional network regularly. Attend industry events, join relevant LinkedIn groups, and reach out to former colleagues and mentors.

  • Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, and peers who can offer encouragement and advice. Sharing your experiences can alleviate stress and provide new perspectives. Your family and close friends are your biggest assets.

Invest in Professional Development

  • Skill Enhancement: Use this time to upskill or earn relevant certifications. Courses in supply chain management, logistics technology, or leadership can make you more competitive.

  • Industry Knowledge: Stay updated on industry trends and developments. Reading industry publications, attending webinars, and participating in online forums can enhance your knowledge and network.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

  • Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to boost your confidence and outlook. Remind yourself of your achievements and strengths regularly.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small milestones in your job search, such as securing an informational interview or receiving positive feedback on your resume.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

  • Career Coaching: Consider working with a career coach who specializes in the logistics industry. They can provide personalized guidance and support. Please contact us for more details.

  • Mental Health Support: If the job search process becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional. Therapy can offer valuable coping strategies and emotional support.

Stay Flexible and Adaptable

  • Open to Opportunities: Be open to various opportunities, including temporary or contract roles. These positions can provide valuable experience and expand your network.

  • Adaptability: Demonstrate your ability to adapt to changing circumstances and industry demands. Highlight this quality in your resume and interviews.

Time Management

  • Structured Routine: Maintain a structured daily routine that includes job search activities, self-care, and leisure. This balance can prevent burnout and keep you motivated.

  • Breaks and Downtime: Ensure you take regular breaks to relax and recharge. Overworking can lead to fatigue and reduce productivity.

Engage in Meaningful Activities

  • Volunteering: Consider volunteering for logistics-related projects or non-profit organizations. This keeps your skills sharp and can provide new networking opportunities.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Engage in hobbies and activities that you enjoy. These can provide a sense of accomplishment and help you stay positive.

If you are worried, please email the team at TTT for advice.

5. Build Your Resilience